Fixing Your Screen Doors

How to Repair a Screen DoorThere are several reasons why your screen door can get damaged. The dog possibly wanted to go out or your cat decided to sharpen her nails. You might have even walked through the sliding patio door as you were distracted. For whatever reason, if the screen door is damaged you can see not only insects but large birds coming in. You can get your screen door fixed at the local hardware store but fixing the screen door and installation is also possible by using a DIY.

1. Develop a work surface: Initially, you will want a work surface for supporting the screen panel or the door. This work surface can be a pair of saw horses with plywood, your picnic table, or a workbench. Now, you should remove the door of your screen and place it on the work surface. The spline side of it must face upward. Spline is a thin and flexible plastic that is jammed between perimeter slots for holding the screen into place.

2. Take measurements: After this, measure the length and width of your screen door. You must plan for buying the screening material that is long and wide enough with an additional couple of inches on all the sides of the screen.

3. Pry out your spline: You may use a flat knife or a screwdriver for prying out the bits from the spline and then pull out the rest. Get rid of the screens and throw them away. However, keep a sample of the spline material for bringing it to the hardware store.

4. Unroll your screen material on the door: Provide yourself with a couple of inches of overlapping or at least as much as possible close to the screen door perimeter. You can use the spring clamps for securing the screen to the door. You can begin from the long side and keep the other one clamped to make the screen tight. After this, you can clamp the shorter side.

5. Cut the spline as required: Now, you may cut the spline into sizes that closely match the perimeter of the screen. This will give you a little bit more leeway for trimming later. Beginning on one corner of the short side that is not clamped, you need to use the concave wheel of the spline tool to press the spline material to the screen and grooves. As you will make progress use the spring clamp for maintaining the screen in a taut condition while installing the spline. You can trim the excess spline by using a utility knife.

6. Repeat the procedure for the longer sides: Next, you can move the spring clamps to the shorter sides and spline that area. Try to smooth the wrinkles as you go. After completing the shorter side, you can move to the longer ones. After completion, move back to the whole perimeter and make sure that the spline is pushed down fully.

7. Trim the excess screen: After the whole perimeter is splined you can trim the excess screen. Use a new sharp blade for the utility knife. Begin from one corner and make sure that you do not slice the screen accidentally. Do not rush it as you don’t want to cut the spline or yourself. Now, remove all the waste.

Well, now you have a new screen door. Just fit it back into place and enjoy the fresh air. If you live in Tampa, FL area, and if you are looking for an experienced general contractor, you can get in touch with Hybrid Construction for advice and work.

Picture Credit: Freepik